Who are we: The office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Franciscans Africa is a program of the Franciscan Family Association in Kenya with an African Mandate. We are concern with matters of justice, peace, and integrity of creation, which are very important to both the Franciscans and the people they serve.
Our vision: is to be a centre for advocacy, lobbying, communication cooperation and animation for the Franciscan Family in Africa, providing and forming networks within and beyond the Franciscan family in the continent.
Our mission: is to promote joint actions on issues that are important to the Franciscans in Africa.
We believe that, the promotion of JPIC values and animating our communities and people we minister to following the JPIC path priority to the Franciscans and the society at large. In line with our vision and mission, The Office for justice, peace and integrity of creation as a program of the Franciscan Family in Africa is committed to ensuring the possibility of a peaceful environment where there is mutual and respectful co-existence among all the creation on earth.
To achieve our goal, we are focused on working together with all the stakeholders in the society to assess, analyze, and find the best possible solutions to all the issues affecting peace in our society such as: social, environmental, health, economical, political issues.
We have therefore developed different participatory programs and activities geared towards promoting justice and peace and to enhance the conservation of our environment.
JUSTICE: in association with Franciscans in Africa, We promote JPIC values through:
- Civic Education
- Human Rights Awareness and advocacy
- Inter community and inter religious dialogues for peace
- Advocacy and awareness creation on truth and justice on the past atrocities
- Seminars /workshops on youth in relation to leadership and politics in Africa.
- Seminars /workshops on women in relation to leadership and politics in Africa
- Organizing for open forums to promote group therapy and sharing, (Conversations for social change),
- We have done and continue to support the process of resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons from a community-based perspective.
- Organize community theatre and games for social change.
PEACE: in association with Franciscans in Africa, We promote JPIC values through:
- Active Non- Violence Actions
- Inter community and inter religious dialogues (circles for peace/conversations for social change)
- Peace forums to campaign against tribalism and nepotism,
- Advocacy against gender and domestic violence in Africa
- Capacity building on the values and benefits of cultural diversity in Africa
- Advocacy against gender and domestic violence in Africa
- Capacity building on Youth in relation to Leadership and management
- Capacity building on Youth entrepreneurship
- Workshops and seminars on youth and politics
- Awareness creation on truth and justice from youth perspective
- Youth rally for peace
- Seminars and workshops on the role of youth in ensuring peace and justice
- Workshops and campaigns actions on HIV/AIDS /STD Treatments and Natural prevention among the youth
- Organizing youth campaigns against tribalism and nepotism
- Networking the youth to other organizations and agencies dealing with youth related issues such as: MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS, YOUTH FUND PROJECTS
- Capacity building on Women in relation to Leadership and management
- Capacity building on women entrepreneurship
- Advocacy against gender and domestic violence in Africa
- Workshops and seminars on women and politics
- Awareness creation on truth and justice from women perspective
- Women rally for peace
- Seminars and workshops on the role of women in ensuring peace and justice
- Organizing youth campaigns against tribalism and nepotism
- Networking the women to other organizations and agencies dealing with women related issues such as: MINISTRY OF GENDER, WOMEN FUND PROJECTS.
- Capacity building on the values and benefits of cultural diversity in Africa
INTEGRITY OF CREATION: in association with Franciscans in Africa, we promote responsible lifestyles through:
- Critical consumption and ethical investments on sexual and environmental matters
- Pro-life rallies and campaign against abortion and use of contraceptives in Africa
- Workshops on Biodiversity
- Agro-ecology and ecologically sensitive choices
- Workshops and campaigns actions on HIV/AIDS /STD Treatments and Natural prevention.
- Seminars and workshops on environmental issues
- Awareness on environmental preservation of natural resources as a means to ensure peace and justice in the society
- Campaign on the availability of free clean water for all and water conservation
- Participation forestation, reforestation activities such us tree planting campaign, river bank clean up campaigns
Prayer for peace and justice in our society: In association with Franciscans in Africa we organize for:
- Prayer day
- Recollections
- Retreats such us Uzima youth retreats in collaboration with Dominicans
N/B All with aim of seeking the Divine interventions on matters affecting our society today.
All our programs and activities are geared towards creating a united forum where the entire society is striving in all their activities to ensure a peaceful co-existence and stable developmental practices that promotes prosperity in the whole ecosystem. All these are done within the framework of Franciscan spirituality and way of life.
Office for JPIC Franciscan Africa
P.O. Box 15155-00509
Lang’ata, Nairobi –Kenya
Tel: +254 20890190 (Portiuncula, Franciscan Centre)
Email: jpicfa2@gmail.com / jpicfa@gmail.com
Facebook page: jpic Franciscan Africa
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