Thursday, 3 October 2013


With the activity plan by Kamwokya Parish youths in Uganda as shown below, it is becoming clear that our activity of training young people to be agents of change is yielding fruits. We are very much appreciative for the efforts the youth are putting in place to promote JPIC Values in the society.  And to keep supporting them, We are  requesting all friends of JPIC and well-wisher to join us in supporting their  constructive ideas by donating any form of support that can help then to achieve their objectives.

Please read here bellow the activity plan of the group after attending a training with us in Nairobi.

The Bright Doves of a St. Francis a Youfra group in Kamwokya Parish having embraced the activities of the Office of JPIC-FA, plans to pioneer the sensitization of JPIC values among the youth in Uganda. The programme which is set to begin in September 2011 has the following to note;
1.     Target group;
The Bright Doves in partnership with the rest of the Youfra groups in Uganda will target the youth in three different groupings i.e.
a.     Local church youth groups such as Youth Apostolate
b.     Secondary and University/college students
c.     Local community youth forums

2.     Our approach;
Members agreed to use the following strategies as a means to sensitize the community on JPIC values;
a.     Internal training of members  and formation of members to equip ourselves with the JPIC and Franciscan values and charism at least once per week
b.     Conducting training workshops involving all youth at different levels at least once a month
c.     Producing and use of prints on JPIC values such as Leaflets, pullouts etc…
d.     Showing videos and explaining them to the youth at least once a week
e.     Use of songs and role plays, skits and drama to pass on information about JPIC
f.      Lobbying for Radio/TV programmes where we can share JPIC values with the public at least once a month.
g.     Community visits / Community Outreach programme where we witness the injustices in our community and share the real experiences
h.      Organizing retreats and prayer sessions for the youth at least once in a month

3.     Requirements
a.     Venue that we can use as our home ground for workshops
b.     Print out on JPIC values
c.     On video shows (Considering the number of attendants and venue);
-       DVDs/VCDs with a message on JPIC
-       Laptop
-       Projector/ projector Board
-       Audio/ Public address system
-       Transport to the different areas if out of our normal grounds (Home venue)
-       Power backup (Generator & fuel)
d.     Composition and production of songs on JPIC values
e.     Funding for Air production of the Radio/TV program
f.      Prayer booklets/leaflets and other formation material (Franciscanism)
g.     On JPIC Trainings;
-       Training materials
-       Flip charts / white or black board
-       Markers /chalk
h.     Project Team – Regional Coordinators countrywide
4.     Other areas of consideration;
a.     We need a contact office for JPIC FA where we will organize and plan for these activities and coordinate the countrywide activity owing to the fact that Bright Doves currently has no operational offices. Getting a home for our trainings and workshops will help us avoid such cost as paying for toilets, parking etc… as these can be met once.
b.     Members agreed that we need to package the programme very well especially on showing videos so that it’s easy to sell to the youth and easy to advertise e.g. Prime Time at Makerere University which attracts all youth at the pool every Friday with a video show and lots of other speakers and performances from different youth groups.
c.     We must work with the church especially the Peace and Justice office as well as the SFOs and thus must avoid political sabotage.
d.     Facilitation of the crew that will handle the programme especially when members have to move to distant areas and may have to spend there a night.
e.     Must have in place attendance lists, evaluation and acknowledgement form as well as recording of the different trainings or video sessions as proof of the activity and record for future reference.
f.      Translation of the videos into the local languages such as Luganda, Runyankore owing to the audience’s needs
g.     Uniforms/contact and identity cards for the crew for easy identification and contact.
h.     Design & award certificates of attendance in case of workshops to create confidence in and add value to the participants.
i.      We must have a work plan that will help us get focused and be regional sensitive to ensure proper distribution of our activities countrywide.
5.     Project Team
This will involve all the youth that have undergone JPIC –FA training in consideration of their regions of origin. These have full knowledge of JPIC values and will help in the sensitization process as we train and get more youth on board.

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